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Meaning of frogs in Japan

In Japanese culture, frogs have various positive and fortunate symbolic meanings:

  • Heralding good luck

The croaking sound frogs make, “ゲロゲロ” sounds like “kaeru kaeru,” hinting that luck is coming. So frogs are seen as omens of turning fortune.

  • Safe homecoming

The pronunciation of “frog” in Japanese, “かえる,” is the same as “返る,” meaning “to return.” This implies being able to return home safely, giving a sense of reassurance.

  • Increasing wealth

Japanese folklore says catching a golden frog will bring wealth, so it represents prosperity.

  • Fulfillment of dreams

The frog’s forward-facing eyes represent its anticipation and insight into a bright future, symbolizing wishes coming true.

  • Rebirth and renewal

The huge change from tadpole to frog is a perfect metaphor for transformation and rebirth in life.

Therefore, frogs are regarded as auspicious creatures and symbols in Japanese culture. Not only in Japan, frogs also have special meanings in other cultures. Our frog ring will be the perfect gift to attract these auspicious wishes!

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