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The Frog in Chinese Feng Shui

In Chinese Feng Shui theory, frogs are important mascots and symbols of wealth. Placing frogs can bring wealth and success to people. This is mainly based on the following implications:

  • Firstly, the frog’s ability to move on land and water represents the flow of financial resources, enabling wealth accumulation. Placing frog decor in your home retains this energy and prevents loss.
  • Secondly, the frog’s croaking each spring signals new life and fertility, similarly implying thriving business and abundant finances. Frogs encourage vibrancy in your career.
  • Thirdly, the frog’s quick feeding signifies incoming wealth that must be readily grasped. Frog totems teach us to seize opportunities.
  • Fourthly, the frog’s nocturnal nature helps attract “night wealth,” – so they are excellent for investments and entrepreneurship.
    Finally, the frog’s full figure and large appetite imply a strong ability to take in chi.

Not only in China, frogs also contain more different meanings in other countries & regions.

In summary, frogs ring are an essential Feng Shui cure for attracting wealth and luck. Please place them in your home or office to facilitate prosperity in all money matters!

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